Office Hours:

  • Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Sat & Sun: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Call us for more information: 443-563-2476

Adult and child psychiatric rehabilitation program.

Caringheart HC Health is geared towards attending the deteriorating mental and emotional well-being of persons. The specific objectives are to recover from their illness which is inclusive of changing their status in the eyes of society. Additional services include medication management, on-call emergency response, 24/7 supervision, and restoration training among others. We think of creative ways to let the unfortunately afflicted become independent once again and recovery from serious mental illness. The overall goals are to rehabilitate adults with behavioral issues and serious mental disabilities by providing outstanding yet sensitive rehabilitative services. Set an appointment today.

Reach out and contact us for more information.