Office Hours:

  • Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Sat & Sun: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Call us for more information: 443-563-2476

The caring and responsible professionals you need.

Caringheart HC Health LLC was founded in 2018 by Sunday Ogunyemi, CEO.And bears witness to God’s healing love for all people by providing you excellent clinical and psychiatric services within an atmosphere of compassionate care. We help maintain overall health and wellness but especially tackle mental health and wellness. We are here to profoundly transform lives. Leading the part of transformation are our adult and child psychiatric rehabilitation programs. The goal is to let individuals be once again active, contributing members of society. We teach the mentally handicapped the skills essential to effectively managing your illness and train them to admirably socialize with others.

senior man and woman talking to a therapist

Caringheart HC Health is a community-based health care organization serving the areas of Baltimore specializing in quality mental health care and general treatment. Our services treat a wide range of mental and emotional disorders and provide comprehensive diagnostic assessments to determine the conditions and needs. We are enlivened to promote the mental well-being of the individuals of the great city of Baltimore, Maryland by providing accessible, quality mental health for adults and their families by utilizing services that emphasize trust, respect, confidentiality, and compassion. We are proud of and fulfilled by the contribution they make to those served.

Our Core Values
  • Dignity. We respond to the needs of the whole person.
  • Hospitality. We welcome one another as children of the same God whose mercy we know through the warmth, fidelity, and generosity of others.
  • Justice. We base our relationship with all people on fairness, equality, and integrity. We stand especially committed to those among us who are poor and vulnerable.
  • Excellence. We hold ourselves to the highest standard of care serving all with courtesy, respect, and compassion while maintaining our involvement with the community.
  • Faith. We believe that every moment in a personal journey is holy. Prayer is our response to God’s loving presence in our life.
  • Mission

    To help individuals become truly useful for themselves and their communities by supporting them to maintain a good quality of life every day in terms of mental well-being.

  • Vision

    Our vision is to accept unique persons, give them their treatment options, take care of all mental issues, and thereby become a top-rated establishment in Baltimore.

Reach out and contact us for more information.